Prayer Groups
Ladies Gents Prayer
On Saturdays two prayer oriented groups of ladies and gents of our congregation meet separately in the Church school classrooms to stay in prayers. They praise, witness and appeal in prayers for one and half hours starting from 7.30 PM. When special speakers are available we utilize them in join sessions of these prayer groups.
Fasting Prayer
Every first Friday of the month our Congregation members meet at one of the class rooms on the old block and worship, praise, sing and meditate from 9.00AM to 12.30PM lead by our Church Pastor. We pray for the needy and the sick and special needs. We share the member’s grief and pray for their redemption. Members give their witness and the Pastor prays for them. Each month anyone member of the Congregation comes forward to offer snacks or lunch for the members attending the fasting prayer in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Missionary Prayer
Every last Thursday of the month we meet at 8.00PM at the class room in our Church premises and pray for the welfare and good health of the Missionaries we support. We pray for their families, their relatives to God to give them good health to spread the Gospel. Many Missionaries face a lot of problem in the rural areas and places dominated by non Christians where they are being harassed and threatened. The Church bows down and pray for them.
Chain Prayer
Every second Thursday from 5.00 PM to next day 5.00PM of the month the Church members pray for the Missionaries and the congregation members, it is basically each members are given with a printed format which can be collected from the Church office or can be downloaded form the website. In that every members is assigned to a certain time (30 minutes) in a continued form so the prayer is continuously carried through 24 hours.